
If you want to join Ashtanga Yoga Freiburg, you have three different options: 

1. You can start directly with a monthly contract (You sign up for 6 months)

2. You can start by paying for 10 classes (The card is valid for 6 months)

3. You can join our evening class on Tuesday and Thursday from 6.30-8pm for a trial of 15 €.

Starting Ashtanga yoga in a mysore style setting might seem a little difficult at first. This is due to the original method called "mysore style" where there are no general instructions but where the teacher guides and assists the students individually. We fully encourage you to start your practice like that because it is the safest way to start your practice. From the beginning, you will have the chance to practice at your own pace and with attention to the breath and details of the practice. 

However, if you feel unsure about a mysore start you can also join the evening classes on Tuesday and Thursday where Christina or Caro will guide you through the first half of the Primary Series. 
Additionally you can come to a regular mysore class per week in order to incorporate the asanas more deeply into your body and establish a practice of your own. Please, let us know if you have any further questions. 

In any case, you might not be able to decide after only one class whether the Ashtanga yoga method is the best for you. It might take a little while, a few weeks, or even a few months until you will notice the first changes in your body and a new lightness after practice. So we recommend that you take your time to get to know the sequence of asanas and us ;).